
Package class diagram package
Provides classes to handle a connection-oriented, sequenced flow of data in a blocking or non-blocking mode on the server and on the client side.


Interface Summary
IBlockingConnection A connection which uses the underlying channel in a blocking manner.
IConnectHandler Handles new incomming connections.
IConnection A connection (session) between two endpoints.
IConnectionPool a connection pool
IConnectionScoped Defines that the IHandler is connection scoped.
IDataHandler Reads and processes the incoming data.
IDisconnectHandler Handles the disconnecting of connections.
IHandler A marker interface for a handler

Specific handlers defines on<event> callback methods.
ILifeCycle Deprecated. use ILifeCycle instead
IMultithreadedServer A server accepts new incomming connections, and delegates the handling of the INonBlockingConnection to the assigned handler.
IMutlithreadedServerListener listener interface, which defines specific callback methods for a IMultithreadedServer
INonBlockingConnection A connection which uses the underlying channel in a non-blocking manner.
IServerContext Represents the handler`s server context.
ITimeoutHandler Handles timeout.

Class Summary
BlockingConnection Implementation of the IBlockingConnection interface.
BlockingConnectionPool A connection pool implementation.
HandlerChain Implements a handler chain.
MultithreadedServer Implementation of a multithreaded server.
MultithreadedServerMBeanProxyFactory A Mbean proxy factory, which creates and registers an appropriated mbean for a given MultithreadedServer instance.
NonBlockingConnection Implementation of the INonBlockingConnection interface.
NonBlockingConnectionPool A connection pool implementation.
StreamSocketConfiguration Deprecated.  
StreamUtils utility class for stream based communication

Enum Summary

Exception Summary
WaitTimeoutException Checked exception, thrown when a the wait timeout has been reached

Package Description

Provides classes to handle a connection-oriented, sequenced flow of data in a blocking or non-blocking mode on the server and on the client side.